farming today and tommorow module icon

Farming Today and Tomorrow

What are the most important issues facing farmers today?

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Did you know?

a day in the life icon

92% of Iowa's land is devoted to agriculture.

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In 1999 Iowa produced 3.9 million pounds of honey.

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Iowa's average rainfall is 30.1 inches per year.

For Teachers

Teacher's can start on the Teacher's Overview page, which covers our Farming Today and Tomorrow module Goals & Objectives, or can browse specific activity lesson plans below. 
Teacher's Overview
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Farming Resources

Browse all available resources for our Farming Today and Tomorrow learning module.

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Exploring the Prairie

What did Iowa look like over 150 years ago?
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Pioneer Farming

How did early settlers plant and harvest their crops?
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The Story of Corn

How has corn fed the world?
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Choose your own adventure as a museum curator or historian!
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camp silos

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